A geospatial golf course management web application, used internationally by golf club owners and tournament managers such as the Ryder Cup and PGA European Tour.
I have been the technical lead on this project since it's infancy and have been leading a team using continuous agile development strategies for improvements since 2019. Our team proudly released this product during 2021, creating web mapping tools using Mapbox for drawing and saving vectors, dynamically generated 3D visuals of golf courses, and GPS surveying tools.
This is saving customers thousands in management resources and continues to streamline operations in the golf industry.
An entrepreneurial SaaS product I built in 2020 that was concepted as a result of previous freelance client work. Intended to assist users with setting up and configuring proxy servers using custom hardware and operating systems. The underlying technology supporting this system involves containerization of the proxy servers themselves, and custom docker installation scripts for multiple different distributions of Linux.
An all in one inbox management system designed to help collate and organize all of your inboxes into one place. During my time at Compose I was a full stack developer responsible for helping to build the web application, as well as the electron desktop application as part of a team.
A fluid dynamics simulator I created based on the Navier-Stokes equations. It simulates an Eulerian incompressible fluid using a grid based system with property averaging per cell.
I'm always looking to work with clients who are interested in what cutting edge technology can bring to their business.